Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Reinventing the Starbucks Experience Free Essays

In his notice to his senior group, Howard Schultz expounded on his dreams of Starbucks and his mistake over what he called the â€Å"commoditization of the Starbucks experience. † He gave a point by point rundown of the choices that has added to this destiny. His dreams are clear and the contentions he introduced are faultless however this paper will take a gander at the circumstance from an alternate perspective. We will compose a custom paper test on Rethinking the Starbucks Experience or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now The inquiry is would it be a good idea for them to stay with the progressions or return to the old ways and protect custom? Going Big Howard Schultz referenced a few choices that that prompted the â€Å"watering down† of the Starbucks experience. These are: †¢ Changing La Marzocca machines with programmed coffee machines. †¢ Shifting from new espresso to new cooked packed away espresso. †¢ Transforming store plan. While he accepts these progressions came about to the â€Å"commoditization† of Starbucks, he conceded that these were important and instrumental in bringing Starbucks from 1000 to in excess of 13,000 stores (Schultz, 2007). These progressions permitted Starbucks to accelerate their administrations, become increasingly proficient, practical and serious. Starbucks Soul Everything has its own cost. Starbucks accomplished their business objectives however dismissed their vision en route. For Howard Schultz, losing their â€Å"soul† for benefit was a significant expense to pay. In his reminder, he referenced that moving from La Marzocca to programmed coffee machines expelled the â€Å"romance and theater† of the procedure. The tallness of the machines hindered the view and removed the closeness of the experience. Moving to cooked espresso took out the fragrance and stripped the store of its custom and legacy. Finally, changing store configuration killed the â€Å"warm sentiment of an area store† (Schultz, 2007). Rethinking the Experience Soul, experience, sentiment, theater, sanctuary these are a portion of the words Howard Schultz related with Starbucks. Perusing his update gives everybody a brief look at his vision for Starbucks. It shows how enthusiastic he is about his item and his store. It subtleties the experience he imagines clients would feel in setting off to his stores. To him, it isn't simply selling espresso, it’s an encounter. It isn't only a store, it’s a sanctuary. It isn't simply acceptable client support, it is sentiment. For somebody who discovered his â€Å"Mecca† in Starbucks, those things mean a lot. In any case, Schultz needs to think about how conceivable it is that not all individuals share that vision. Many individuals love to drink espresso however that doesn't mean they are as enthusiastic about the experience as he seems to be. A few clients are not as in adoration with the convention and heritage as he seems to be. There is nothing incorrectly about Howard Schultz’s vision and we can not censure him for being frightened by the progressions that occurred in his stores. In any case, Starbucks must be available to the way that there may be a major contrast between individuals who hang out in bistros in 1981 to the a large number of Starbucks supporters around the globe today. They need to understand that it isn't only a basic instance of benefit versus soul or effectiveness versus custom. They need to consider what sort of â€Å"experience† individuals are wanting to get from their stores and work from their. Starbucks are established by strong dreams yet that can just take them up until now. At long last it is the thing that the clients believe that issues. End Howard Schultz isn't only a representative, he is a visionary. For him, benefit isn't sufficient, he need to safeguard the custom and leave a heritage. Be that as it may, he needs to acknowledge the way that to certain individuals, espresso is only a customary beverage, a product that shouldn't be romanticized. The most effective method to refer to Reinventing the Starbucks Experience, Papers

Saturday, August 22, 2020

womens rights (613 words) Essay Example For Students

womens rights (613 words) Essay All through numerous years going before World War I, numerous ladies were troubled withtheir employments. In 1870 most ladies worked in the farming of their homes, or diddomestic administration. Indeed, even by 1910 however, more ladies were at that point working infactories, workplaces, stores and phone trades. Rather than 14.8% in 1870,24% of ladies were presently working in 1910. The acts of pulling back from workonce wedded and possibly returning when essential (for example husband?s salarydecreased, laid off, harmed, departure) was tragically as yet being widelyaccepted and polished. The introduction of present day organizations started to change thelocation and nature of women?s paid work and was a significant factor in theadvancement of women?s work (Greenwald 5). Multi plant firms started totransform the structure of business, just as including a component of elementarycompetition. There were still albeit a couple of money related monsters, made by vitalindustries, for example, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Swift, Borden, whosepractices at last decided how individuals lived, and what they bought(Greenwald 7). As enormous manufacturing plants progressively started to supplant more established andsmaller processing plants, gifted work turned out to be less required and ladies even begun tomake merchandise as machine tenders. As of now, this redesign was improving women?sstatus in the work power. There was albeit a lot of sex segregation,women were low paid and limited to incompetent and semiskilled employments, for the most part intextile plants, food preparing, attire, tobacco industrial facilities, and commerciallaundries. Men obviously were given occupations concerning transportation and heavyindustry. Shockingly, as overwhelming industry turned out to be progressively significant, itresulted in less open doors for ladies since organizations were recruiting moremen. Another factor of injustice was the way that ladies were banned fromapprenticeship programs bringing about the loss of better-paid and moresophisticated employments in the metal business (Greenwald 11). World War I thoughwould give an incredible chance to ladies to excel and despite the fact that themovement into the work power was at that point in progress, and it would certainlyprovide as an upgrade. Because of World War I and changing social views,women?s job and spot in American Society changed greatly.The consequences of World War I on women?s place in the public eye can be seen clearlyin factual proof. Between 1910-1920 there was an emotional increment inwomen in workplaces as representatives and in semi-gifted occupations, for example, typists, cashiers,and typists. Simultaneously despite the fact that, there was a diminishing of ladies cleaners,tailoresses, dressmakers and workers. As the men left for war fromAmerica, more ladies started to work, the generous change despite the fact that was not thenumber of new contestants in the work power, however the quantities of ladies changing jobsand the new open doors being opened to them. Numerous ladies chose to changejobs with expectations of better chances. Expanded employment standardization,specialization of work and expanding oversight brought about creation numerous jobsinterchangeable. Ladies clerks for example would become passage authorities orretail laborers would move to office work. This was called expertise weakening and itenabled laborers to move starting with one territory then onto the next. As the war advanced therewas a more noteworthy requirement for American War materials, and after the second draft of men inlate summer, the male workforce was incredibly diminished. Organizations started to begfor laborers, particularly those that had agreements to fill and war assets tosupply. Organizations understood the quantity of ladies who could work and started toprint promotions saying ?Women Wanted?. Bridgeport weapons even distributedflyers from a plane asking ladies to leave their homes and work. This createdmany new open doors for ladies, and they before long understood that. As ladies changedjobs and assumed control over those officially done by white men, dark ladies took theopportunity to do those officially of white ladies. This was the first run through a whitewoman could picked her activity, and she t. .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5 , .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5 .postImageUrl , .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5 , .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5:hover , .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5:visited , .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5:active { border:0!important; } .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5:active , .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5:hover { darkness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u2e584b11292ba35713 baf6f0891cffe5 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u2e584b11292ba35713baf6f0891cffe5:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The adequacy of interior control in business since the enron outrage Essay..

Friday, August 21, 2020

Top 100 Argumentative Essay Topics to Choose From

Top 100 Argumentative Essay Topics to Choose From Given that writing an argumentative essay involves presenting a certain argument or viewpoint and defending it, every student tasked with composing such a type of an assignment is traditionally stuck at the point of topic selection. All of us want to make an essay interesting, original, and engaging the reader, but how to avoid banalities and make the essay truly gorgeous? Look at the list of argumentative essay topics composed by our writers for you â€" unbeatable topics for all times, select the one you find most interesting and compose your masterpiece! The most interesting topics for students of… Health and Medicine 1. Teenagers should be allowed to obtain birth control pills without limitations in pharmacies. 2. Cancer treatment is much more a matter of psychosomatics than of medications. 3. The radiation effect of microwave ovens is mostly under-estimated and unrecognized. 4. Vaccination should be made mandatory and not left for parents’ discretion. 5. By means of intensifying fruit and vegetable consumption alone, any person can improve his/her health considerably and even cure some serious diseases without medications. 6. Despite rigid drinking age laws in the USA, teenage alcohol dependency and tolerance are becoming growing public health concerns. 7. Health and fitness services are inadequately provided for children and adults with disabilities, making them a marginalized group in terms of access to fitness and healthy lifestyle facilities. 8. Though there is much fuss about dangers of obesity, underweight is also hazardous, while not recognized at an equal rate with overweight problems. 9. Excluding fat from nutrition does not cause weight reduction and is not healthy. A healthy diet should include wise consumption of fats; otherwise, people risk developing greater problems with health and weight imbalance. 10. Food-related information should be disclosed and popularized at a much greater rate to allow regular consumers to know what they really eat; such nutritional education is sure to bring about positive national changes in food choices. 11. Contracts of American fast food companies with US schools and prisons cause a large-scale deterioration of nutritional standards across the country. 12. Vegetarianism is unhealthy because people resorting to vegan or vegetarian diets voluntarily refuse from vital nutritional components. 13. Criminal responsibility should be introduced for parents’ forced imposition of their vegetarian/vegan diet on children. 14. There is no universal amount of water for a healthy person. 15. High taxation should be introduced for unhealthy foods for the sake of prevention of their consumption. 16. Drug addiction is not a disease but rather a personal choice. 17. Doctors should be banned to promote and advertise skincare products and pills for weight loss. 18. Smoking products should be criminalized equally to drugs because of their proven ability to cause cancer. 19. Combating hepatitis C is inadequately funded across the world. 20. People with various types of chronic pain should have increased access to painkillers. Politics and Legal Studies 21. Politics is inherently corrupt, so there are no completely honest politicians. 22. Using civic journalism as a tool for political manipulation is immoral. 23. The Russian anti-US adoption bill is politicized and inadequate in legal terms. 24. Limitations of freedom of speech are appropriate in some political situations. 25. Using torture should be universally banned as a measure for obtaining information from suspects, even proven terrorists. 26. Gay marriage is a highly politicized subject at present. 27. The racial composition of a police department should correspond to the racial composition of the community it serves. 28. The political crisis of South Sudan is intentionally ignored by the global community. 29. Iraq is a failed state and needs political assistance for revival. 30. Pacifism is a utopia because global peace is impossible. 31. Politics is an art, but never a clean game. 32. Celebrities should not participate in politics. 33. Twitter now serves as an effective tool of political propaganda. 34. Voting should be made compulsory for all citizens of the voting age. 35. Anarchism is the best form of government. 36. Racial profiling is a proper political/legal measure. 37. Climate change has been largely politicized and has much less environmental impact than it is presented to have. 38. More females should be elected for the political office. 39. Minority representatives should be presented at a higher rate in the legal enforcement. 40. The USA should stop behaving like the world’s major legal enforcement instrument, since it attracts attention of terrorists and dissatisfaction of countries with its interference into national affairs. 41. Drone warfare is unethical. 42. Disarmament of American population can cause the civil war. Communication, Media, and Art 43. Art is not a real profession but rather a hobby. 44. Modern art scarcely fits into the traditional notions of art. 45. Being a talented and successful artist does not require having formal education. 46. The Emo culture is a positive way of teens’ emotional expression. 47. Web etiquette should be included in the school educational curriculum. 48. Social media are a cheap but effective advertising tool. 49. Social networks should be free from advertising. 50. Cyberbullying is the direct outcome of poor privacy policies online. 51. Old architecture should be presented in cities. 52. Graffiti is an illegal form of art. 53. Digital art is a form of art equally meaningful and valuable to traditional art forms. 54. Censorship of any kind is harmful for art. 55. Listening to classical music does not raise intellect. 56. Electronic music can be regarded as traditional music art. 57. Music can relieve pain. 58. Photography is as difficult as classical painting. 59. Advent of TV has reduced the importance of journalism worldwide. Economics 60. Bailing out banks and financial institutions by the government is immoral and stimulates greater irresponsible financial behaviors. 61. The Islamic finance system is more secure and ethical than traditional capitalist finance. 62. China is a genuine economic superpower. 63. The European debt crisis has produced a pronounced negative effect on the US small business. 64. There should be a single currency in the entire world. 65. Outsourcing of manufacturing and services to developing countries inevitably reduces service quality. 66. The IMF should stop giving big loans to undeveloped countries because it undermines the economic health of developed states. 67. It is unfair to cancel debts of poor countries, since such steps stimulate irresponsibility and greater risk-taking in vulnerable and corrupt economies. Sociology 68. Friendship between boys and girls is impossible. 69. Men need protection from feminist attacks, struggles, and claims. 70. Women should not be allowed to serve in the army because of their physical weakness as compared to males. 71. Companies involved in animal testing should pay higher taxes to invest in environmental and wildlife protection. 72. Distortion and exaggeration of facts in news coverage should be criminalized. 73. Social life in college is much more important than academic studies. 74. Active listening skill is more significant than effective communication. 75. Companies should be officially allowed to refuse from hiring smokers. 76. All schools should introduce formal anti-bullying policies. 77. Religion should be excluded from school curriculum or made an optional subject. 78. There are many ways to reduce the abortion rate without legislative measures. 79. Poor parenting should be subject to criminal prosecution because it harms the child’s psyche and can ruin the child’s life. 80. Children should be explicitly rewarded for good behavior. 81. The present-day young generation is the most ignorant one for the past couple of centuries. 82. The world would not benefit from disappearance of religions. 83. Churches should become more multi-cultural. 84. Adoptive parents should allow biological parents to communicate with children. 85. A separate hall of fame should be created for LGBTQ athletes. 86. The introduction of 13th zodiac sign is a profound social change. 87. Teachers should be legally punished for rude behavior with students. 88. Students should be legally punished for rude behavior with teachers. 89. Exams should be abolished. Technology 90. Intense, frequent use of gadgets can indeed cause cancer. 91. Introduction of robots into daily human life will make people lazier. 92. Given the current pace of technology development, the humanity will very soon enter a stage with no innovation and technological development. 93. Violent games produce an extensive negative effect on children’s social relationships 94. In authoritarian regimes, the risk of being brainwashed by mass media is very high. 95. Increasing cell phone use has reduced human interest in social interactions. 96. Intense use of technological gadgets reduces the human ability to concentrate. 97. Traditional textbooks in schools should be changed for iPads. 98. Parents should control and limit children’s use of social media. 99. It is impossible to find true friends and build true relationships online. 100. Parents should monitor all activities of their children online. Not finding your specialty in the list? Don’t get into despair! Turn to our writers for assistance and consultation, and they will quickly craft an interesting, creative topic for your specific argumentative essay assignment.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Research Paper on Letters from an American Farmer by J....

The definition of what America is, and furthermore what an American is, has been eternally elusive. However, it can be reasonably said that the vision of America rests upon freedom of expression, the right to property, and self-determination. These ideas are explored in one European’s examination of American agricultural society in the late 18th century. Letters from an American Farmer by J. Hector St. John de Crà ¨vecÅ“ur illustrates the gilded nature of the early vision of America; one that appears to be simplistic and based in freedom, but lies on a foundation of oppression and greed. Crà ¨vecÅ“ur was a native of France, who - at the age of 20 - immigrated to North America. After a short military career in Canada, Crà ¨vecÅ“ur purchased land in†¦show more content†¦The American farmer is his own landlord, and is content with a precedent of continual work, and limited governmental interference in his business. (Plotkin 392) He goes on to state that the continual flow of immigrants into America will facilitate the eventual civilization of far western lands. In this onward march westward, â€Å"...industrious people...will change in a few years that barbarous country into a fine fertile, well-regulated district. Such is our progress, such is the march of the Europeans toward the interior parts of this continent.† (Crà ¨vecÅ“ur 609) This early reference to manifest destiny puts on display, for the European reader, the sheer vastness and availability of land in the New World, as opposed to the marked lack of such available land in Europe. Crà ¨vecÅ“ur also makes reference to the fact that the citizens of America cannot possibly draw from one single European culture, due to the diverse background of immigrants. This ‘melting-pot’ milieu of peoples is part of the foundation upon which Crà ¨vecÅ“ur’s America, because it prevents monolithic identification with one European background. (Cunliffe 130) Possibly the largest difference between European and American,Show MoreRelatedEssay on The American Christian Holocausts5005 Words   |  21 PagesThe American Christian Holocausts As a high school student I was always annoyed by students who would ask: Why do we have to learn this stuff [history] anyway? We learn history so we dont repeat our mistakes. This is the common answer that my teachers, my father, and just about any other adult would give. This answer made perfect sense to me then, and I easily accepted it. In high school, students learn about the Nazi-Holocaust, and rightfully so. Information abounds regarding this topic. However

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Original Antihero A Paradise Lost Study Guide

Paradise Lost is an epic poem by John Milton originally published in 1667, later revised in 1674. At the time of its publication it was, in fact, quite daring in its politics and its handling of the character of Satan, who remains one of the most complex and subtly-rendered characters in literary history. That Milton, who was a pious man of real faith, would consciously or unconsciously sympathize with the Devil is still a starling revelation to first-time readers. Milton was a fierce proponent of divorce and individual freedom, as well as a critic of the monarchy—but also a critic of the government and society that emerged after the deposition and execution of King Charles I, which Milton felt had failed to create a better society. These ideas informed his composition of Paradise Lost,  his greatest and most famous work. Milton had intended to write a truly epic work for some time, and originally intended to tell the story of King Arthur and the Holy Grail before changing his focus to the twin narratives of damnation and salvation taken from the most foundational stories in the Bible: The fall of man and Satan’s rebellion in heaven. The Plot of Paradise Lost After a brief introduction in which Milton offers an overview of Milton’s intentions, Satan and his fellow rebellious angels are shown in Hell, plotting their next move. The entire heavenly civil war has already happened, and Satan rallies his allies with a stirring speech. The demons briefly consider mounting another assault on heaven, but then a better idea is proposed: In the wake of the war in heaven, God has created the Earth and his new favorites, man, in the form of Adam and Eve. Satan volunteers to undertake the perilous journey to this new, material world and cause the downfall of mankind. The journey through the chaos outside of hell is perilous. Satan enters the universe and encounters the Angel Uriel guarding it, but Satan disguises himself and claims to have come to sing praise, and is allowed to pass. Satan comes to the Garden of Eden and is jealous of Adam and Eve’s perfect happiness; they live without sin, commanded only to never eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Satan comes to them while they sleep and whispers in Eve’s ear. Uriel becomes suspicious and tells the Angel Gabriel of the visitor; Gabriel sends angels to investigate and they capture and exile Satan from the Garden. The next day Eve tells Adam she had a terrible dream, and he comforts her. The Angel Raphael is sent to warn them about Satan’s plans, and he relates to them the story of Satan’s rebellion, stemming from Satan’s jealousy of the Son of God. Once known as Lucifer, Satan inspired his followers to rise against God. Satan’s forces are initially defeated by the loyal angels of heaven, but during the night create terrible weapons. The angels hurl mountains at Satan’s forces, but it is not until the Son of God, Messiah, arrives that Satan is wholly defeated, his entire army swept out of heaven. God then commands his Son to fill the space left by the fallen angels with a new world and new creatures, which are created in six days. Adam returns the favor of the Angel’s story with his own tale of being created, discovering the wonders of the world, and his happy marriage to Eve. Raphael departs. Satan returns and assumes the form of a snake in order to escape detection. He finds Eve alone and flatters her again, tricking her into eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. When Adam finds out what she has done he is horrified, but then also eats of the fruit because he believe he is bonded to Eve and must share her fate. They experience lust for the first time, followed by fear and guilt, and quarrel over who is to blame. The Son of God is dispatched to judge Adam and Eve, but delays sentencing them, clothing them and giving them time to regain God’s favor. Satan returns in triumph to Hell, where the demons are in the process of building a great bridge to Earth to make future journeys easier. He boasts of his success, but finds that all the fallen angels—including himself—have been transformed into snakes. Adam and Eve are miserable; Adam is given a vision of the future up until the Flood and is horrified at what he and Eve have doomed mankind to experience. However, they are also assured that their offspring will have revenge on Satan, and so they do not kill themselves and dedicate themselves to regaining God’s trust. They are expelled from paradise with the knowledge that a descendant of Eve’s will be the savior of mankind. Major Characters Satan. Once one of the most powerful Archangels, Satan led the rebellion against God and then schemed to ruin God’s newest creations: Mankind and paradise. The most beautiful and powerful of the angels, Satan is charismatic, funny, and persuasive; he is easily the most popular character of the story despite his evil nature, making him something of an antihero. His great sin is in denying his subservience to God; Satan believes the angels are self-made. God the Father. This is the Christian God, an all-powerful creator who made everything in the universe from himself. God demands praise and worship, and spends a lot of time in the poem explaining himself, as Milton saw the purpose of the poem to justify the mysteries of God to humanity. God the Son. Both the same as God and a separate personality, this is the part of God that will eventually become Jesus, but in the poem is depicted as a sort of general or co-ruler. Adam and Eve. The first humans; Adam was created first and Eve created from him. Milton depicts Eve not as evil or corrupt by nature but as inferior to Adam in all things except sin—Adam’s sin is greater because he understood fully the consequences of his actions, while Eve was tricked. Raphael. An angel instrumental in explaining Satan’s backstory and goals. Literary Style The poem is written in blank verse, meaning it follows a set meter (iambic pentameter) but does not have rhymes. Milton uses a variety of tricks to make the repetitive rhythms and patterns of this sort of rhyme seem anything but; what initially seem like strained pronunciations or oddly broken words are quite intentional, as Milton bends and stretches the rules of blank verse to make his lines flow. For example, Miltons meter often broke words in ways that deliberately went against assumption, as in the line Still glorious before whom awake I stood; reading this line as if it was prose renders it unremarkable, but applying the rhythm of iambi pentameter forces you to break the word glorious as glo / rious, altering the rhythm of the line and turning it into some delightful to speak. Milton worked in a deliberately grand style, without resorting to slang or common phrasings as  Shakespeare did. He did this both in service to his subject matter and to lend his themes weight and gravitas. At the same time, his work is not particularly dense with allusion and wordplay; even today it is remarkably easy for people to read, understand, and appreciate. Themes Milton argues throughout the poem that there is a natural order to the universe; Satan’s great sin is believing he is greater than God as opposed to accepting his subordinate role. Yet Milton also writes Satan’s sequences with a fierce energy that sets them apart. Milton sympathizes with rebellion and believed strongly in individuality, themes that also emerge throughout the poem. This is most notable in the fate of humanity—Adam and Eve rebel in their own way and are punished, but instead of their punishment being a total disaster, some good does come of it, as humanity learns that God the Father has boundless love and forgiveness for them. Historical Context Milton worked on the poem during the Commonwealth Period of England, after a civil war that ended with King Charles I deposed and executed in 1649. This period ended in 1660 when his son, Charles II, was restored to the throne. Milton supported the deposition of Charles but deplored the Commonwealth, which was essentially a dictatorship, and his attitude is in many ways reflected in the poem’s storyline. There are many obvious parallels between the angels rebelling against God and the rebellion against Charles I, who chafed against the restrictions forced upon him by the strong English parliament and fought two wars to impose his supreme will, claiming divine right of kings. Charles I was widely blamed for the unnecessary bloodshed of the second civil war and was executed as a result. Milton supported the republican side against the monarchy and argued in his political writings that Charles attempts to claim divine right were an attempt to make himself a god. Satan can be viewed as a stand-in for Charles in a sense, a powerful being with a rightful place in the hierarchy who attempts to pervert the natural order and accomplishes little more than chaos and destruction. Paradise Lost Fast Facts Title: Paradise LostAuthor: John MiltonDate Published: 1667, 1674Publisher: Samuel SimmonsLiterary Genre: Epic PoemLanguage: EnglishThemes: Hierarchal structure of the universe, obedience to God.Characters: Satan, God, the Son of God, Adam, Even, assorted angels and demons.Influences: Satan as antihero has influenced works ranging from Frankenstein to Breaking Bad. Modern writers such as Philip Pullman (His Dark Materials) and Neil Gaiman have based works explicitly on the poem (Gaiman even makes this obvious by having the character of Lucifer in his Sandman comics quote the poem freely). Additionally, many films and novels depicting Satan and rebellious angels, like the film The Prophecy, explicitly ground their angels and demons on the versions found in Miltons story. Quotes â€Å"The mind is its own place, and in itself/Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.† — Satanâ€Å"Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heaven.† — Satanâ€Å"Sing Heav’nly Muse/What in me is dark/Illumine, what is low raise and support;/That to the heighth of this great argument/I may assert Eternal Providence,/And justify the ways of God to men.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"God hath pronounced it death to taste that Tree,/The only sign of our obedience left/Among so many signs of power and rule/Conferred upon us, and dominion giv’n/Over all other creatures that possess/Earth, air, and sea.† — Adam Sources â€Å"Paradise Lost.† Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 28 May 2018,â€Å"PARADISE LOST.† Gutenberg, Project Gutenberg,, Edward. â€Å"Whats So American About John Miltons Lucifer?† The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 16 Mar. 2017,, Jonathan. â€Å"Return To Paradise.† The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 19 June 2017, â€Å"Milton Blank Verse (Iambic Pentameter).† PoemShape, 5 Oct. 2013,

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Use Of Diffusion Between Cultural Participation...

Established in 1944 by Donald Watson, modern-day veganism has become an increasingly popular lifestyle through recent decades. Veganism is a very strict diet. It involves a strong commitment and can also restrict certain fashion statements in some way or form. Vegans avoid any consumption of any [animal related food or fabric that has been fabricated with animal skin]. Although many, do not see the vegan choice as a reasonable way to a healthy living, many Americans have seen their diet change being influenced by popular artists, such as Beyoncà ©, who endorse the idea of veganism. As mentioned by Elizabeth Cherry and her concept of the diffusion between cultural participation function and support veganism, this paper will be demonstrate how the music industry has inclined many Americans to dramatically transition their diet as omnivores to vegans. Cherry believes that there are two groups of vegans; â€Å"those in the punk subculture and those who were not – and investigates how they defined and practiced veganism differently†(Cherry 1). Becoming a vegan punk according to Cherry, is seen to â€Å"describe a state of mind and a willingness to change society more than a sartorial display, this is accomplished through a DIY ethic, characterized by independent bands, record labels, and book presses, as well as a politically progressive way of living†(Cherry 5). With this in mind the reader can infer that veganism can be tied in with the modern hipster and the industrial musical culture.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Silence Speaks Volumes free essay sample

It is not until somebody else is fed to the hungry mouth of judgement, chewed and digested into the system so perfectly mechanized to institute conservation, that we- especially my generation- find the infant, second rate, hand me down strength to speak out- to ride easy going 70 mph on the unpaved road of freedom within the deep ruts ran through for us by the ones who spoke out before it was popular. Within our social condition today, there are predetermined fads to entertain the masses, issues that have already been exposed, torn apart, activists who have been ridiculed, who in time lost the limelight to more controversial issues. These exposed issues are what we write essays on in our college english classes, kept safe within the shadow of those already judged stamped and silenced to feel the illusion of advocation- to play the role of activists within the carefully drawn confines of the curriculum. For example, the issue on womens rights- something that sparked in the late 1800s, was met with difficulty, ridicule and persecution- the fears that keep so many of us in silence, is something students may write about today. Sure, new-aged opinions and fresh angles on a stale issue give the illusion of action, but the issue was seen for us. When you walk outside, look around and see something in your world that you have the power to change, THAT is your world, the one you exist within, and therefor it is your job to speak out and make a difference. No well-trained (trained, not taught) educator would assign an essay prompt about advocation for gay rights, or premarital sex, or personal narratives about struggling with an addiction. If any fiber of your conscious mind is muted, snuffed out, hushed, you will live and die with the possibility that within that tiny fragment of yourself breathed the essence of your existence, your spark of humanity, your passion, your superpower. We will suffer whether or not we choose to make ourselves seen, and the suffering will not differ in measure for those who are enslaved and crippled by silence and submission. Audre Lorde brings to light in her essay that the purpose of speaking out is personal, not people pleasing. You voice your thoughts to remind yourself who you are, and to stir controversy. The goal is to be met with adversity and opposition, to let you know that what youre doing is radical and revolutionary and not fitting to the compartmentalized morality of your community. Historically, in many cases, such as the Civil Rights Movement and the idea of Civil Disobedience defended by Dr. King, or the fight for freedom and independence from Britain in the Revolutionary War, these topics in our history books are celebrated and well known instances of the Transformation of Silence into Language and Action- occurrences of self- sacrifice for the greater achievement of social change that rang out when society was more focused on self-preservation. Despite the monumental differences made in our world, molding our country, government, schools and homes, speaking out is still something set aside for those radicals who cannot be content with the way things are. Adversity is defined by society as unnacceptable, not encouraged, immoral in some instances, but so many of us are silent in fear of visibility that those few that may have changed everything, the revolutionaries, they are stifled and strangled by a similar fear. Being conscious of your mortality, as well as your purpose for existing in the dimension that you were born into, is an awareness that puts into perspective the ominous and guaranteed silence of death- and how- if up until that point you choose to be muted- will still come. This is turning point expressed by Lorde in the midst of a cancer scare that prompted her in part to write her essay on the Transformation of Silence into Language and Action. In our generation we are cultivated to respect fear, and to integrate it into how we perceive our world and ourselves. Those who advocate for controversial ideas, those who fight for issues that challenge religion or policy, they are especially scrutinized by the same mouths that whisper in agreement and then remain closed. Our culture- relationships, appearance, music, entertainment, is all crearted under the indentured survitude of the norms set by society on what’s acceptable. Take the psychology of the film industry. The top-grossing romance movies in the box office this week feature heterosexual couples, with the male figure having the acceptable manly characteristics and the female figure being traditionally girly. We see these movies,and idolize the relationship and the characters, because somewhere in the back of our minds exists the knowledge that this movie is how society prefers things to be, and that being a certain way means acceptance, popularity, and success. For instance, recently there have been certain outliers in society that have become household names- been ridiculed, labeled, and watched- but eventually found acceptance by the masses at the point when the issue at hand became interesting and understood. Lesbian couples have come from the shadows, holding hands in public, being openly gay in schools and even in communities, once celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres became popular and cool. Society writes amendments to its moral constitution to give the illusion of revolution, like writing college papers on issues that have already been resolved. Openly lesbian celebrities and actresses gave an alternative for how a female should and can acceptably be in order to conform to the stereotype that raises our teenage girls and develops each generation of women. But, for gay men, Neil Patrick Harris or Clay Aiken still seem to be the blunt of gay jokes, perhaps because of the decades old stereotype of manhood that seems to be universal in every culture, so for the male gay community, they are seen as something seperate but equal, metaphorically still going to school with the straight kids, but using a different water fountain. In the words of the Beatles, â€Å"Nothing’s gonna change my world.† The truth in this is that the most powerful force of nature that exists in my world is action. Nothing’s gonna change my world, unless I do it myself. Silence, self imposed by fear of visibility, parallels the age old fear of the unknown that comes with reaching our potential as human beings and fulfilling a purpose. There exists few promises in this life, but there exists one certainty, and that is death, which comes regardless of whether or not we chose to make a difference. Audre Lorde explains death as â€Å"The Final Luxury† that meets us regardless of our choice to be silent, which gives perspective to the immense and crippling handicap of so many people with voices waiting to be heard. The revolutionary of tomorrow may be stifled because you chose to keep that part of your existence quiet. Marianne Williamson said of fear, â€Å" Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. Its not just in some of us; its in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. If you yourself have no desire to be heard, speak up for the many who need fighting for. Liberate yourself from the shackles of a conservative society, and the others- the artists, the writers, the intellectuals who will make the next big difference- use your voice to liberate them. You have the freedom to sit in a corner and observe your world, as well as the choice to be a part of it, and either contract you sign, when your number is up, you die. Guaranteed.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Is Using Cell Phone Dangerous

Overtime, our lives have been tremendously been transformed with the mobile phone technology. We are able to attend to issues at our work place and even at our homes without the need of us appearing there physically.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Is Using Cell Phone Dangerous? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nowadays, instead of writing long letters to your friends, you can use the mobile Short Message Service (SMS) to chat with them for a while. However, this technology has come with its own setbacks such as the risk of exposure to carcinogens, cell phone dependency and mobile phone crimes. In fact, the use of cell phones exposes us to more danger than good. Although these gadgets are portable and convenient to use, studies that have been conducted by medical experts show that they emit radiofrequency radiations that are â€Å"categorized into ionized radiations and non ionized radiations† (Oberto 316) . The ionized radiations have shown to increase the risk of the user suffering from cancer. Research has further shown that â€Å"the side of the brain that is exposed to the ionizing radiations from the cell phone metabolizes more glucose than other parts that are not exposed to it† (Larjavaara 35). These effects largely depend on how frequently one uses it, how close the user is with the antenna of the gadget and the distance between the network center and the user. Actually, the use of a cell phone is hazardous to human health. On the other hand, to alleviate some of the above effects, radiologists have recommended the use of wireless headphones that allow the user to receive calls at some distance from the gadget. Using them for emergencies especially when you cannot access a landline phone also reduces one’s exposure to them. However, despite one taking these measures and the attractive features (camera and games) of these mobile phones, they have shown to have gr eater effect on children than in grown-ups. This is because young children are still growing and their cells are rapidly multiplying. As a result, the ionizing radiations emitted from the phones predispose these cells to cancer. These facts make mobile usage more dangerous to children who can succumb to body malformations. Besides, the use of mobile phone has enabled us to supplement our brains memory capacity with their storage memory capacity. Hence, we can be able to save important passwords and other important information in them without necessarily memorizing them.Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This has been encouraged with the changing times when we have a lot of information in soft copies and less in hard copies. To secure such information, the computers allow us to come up with passwords and other safety features that could easily remembered by saving them in these ph ones. As result, the mobile technology has taken a turn to crime where thieves steal these phones from their owners and then easily gain access to important information regarding their credit cards or automatic teller machines (ATMs). This has seen many innocent people lose a lot of money to these non suspecting criminals. Indeed mobile phone technology has brought more harm than good. In addition, the technology has also come up with the mobile money transfer where the users are able to transfer money to other people conveniently. This service has impacted developing economies greatly as people from rural areas can receive money from urban areas without necessarily gaining access to physical bank halls. However, there are many times when the person sending the cash misses one or two digits of the user and ends up sending the money to a wrong number. This wrong receiver may rush to a nearby service provider and get the cash and as a result, the sender ends up being conned and his/he r efforts to get help from the network provider may prove fruitless. The service provided by these gadgets is of essence to the society, but its maneuver by non suspecting criminals is exposing the users to more losses than expected. Moreover, â€Å"the concept of time and space† has changed overtime by the use of the mobile phones (Fortunati 513). Instead of people meeting physically as they do most of the times, now they talk over the phone to solve any pending matters. Hence, issues to do with time such as being punctual at meetings is now solved. Although this service has improved communication, many people have adopted a culture of lying to their friends whereby if they are asked where they are, they state a place either far or near the person asking depending on the circumstances. This kind of mobile phone lies has made their use dangerous to our associations in society. Furthermore, it’s worth noting that nowadays when a cell phone user is bored, he/she resorts to this gadget. As a result, the person develops â€Å"cell phone dependence† (Leung 359).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Is Using Cell Phone Dangerous? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This behavior has substituted the visiting of friends when we are bored or grieved by different circumstances. Many quickly get to social networks like Facebook and Twitter where they interact with thousands of friends that they meet online. The way people used to meet sometimes back no longer seems to work in this busy generation that is always embracing the changing times. When one gets annoyed with his/her online friend in the social network, he/she removes the friend unlike in the physical relationships where if one get upset with his buddy, he just walks away or even fights. However, psychologists would tell you that expression of hunger on the face is important than in writing either an SMS (Short Message Service) o r equally an email via the mobile phone. Physical expression has a strong touch where one part is able to show his feelings about a particular situation and the other responds in return. This adds value to the spoken word. Hence, the turndown of our lives with this mobile phone service is socially drawing us back. Last but not least, the cell phone usage has impacted greatly on students. Tully says that â€Å"the use of cell phones has had a negative effect on grammar† especially among the Short Message Service users (444). This is because, the more you get into doing something the more it becomes a habit. Consequently, when students do their homework, they end up using the same jargons that they have been used to on their mobile phone. In addition, since they are able to gain access to the internet via these gadgets, many students get tempted to cheat in examinations as they can easily search for the answers online. This kind of cheating is a crime since in the first place t hey are practicing plagiarism and many of them end up getting degrees they don’t deserve. Also, for the advanced phones, the students can use them to watch movies and other pornographic materials that they can access online. This draws their attention away from the classroom and as a fact, the use cell phones encourages bad morals that never existed in the ancient times. In conclusion, despite the many services that we get from mobile phones, their use comes with many effects. They predispose the users to radiofrequency radiations that are cancerous to their body tissues. These carcinogens are especially dangerous to young children whose cells are rapidly dividing thus exposing them to malformation. These gadgets have also changed our lives backwards as they have encouraged hacking of passwords and theft of credit card information exposing the users to unprecedented losses.Advertising Looking for essay on other technology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It’s also worth noting that they have greatly impacted on relationships. In addition, they have encouraged negative morals in our schools where students watch movies in class as their instructors teach and cheat in exams by searching for answers from the mobile phone internet. Indeed, cell phones are small gadgets that are convenient to carry and easy to use but their usage comes with many setbacks that override their benefits. Works Cited Fortunati, Leopoldina. The Mobile Phone: Towards New Categories and Social Relations. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002. Print. Larjavaara, Schuz. Gliomas in Relation to Mobile Phone Use: Case to Case Analysis. New York: Harper-Collins, 2006. Print. Leung, Louis. Leisure Boredom, Sensation Seeking, Self Esteem and Addiction: Symptoms and Patterns of Cell Phone Use. New York: Routledge, 2008. Print. Oberto, Rolfo. Carcinogenicity: Radiation Research. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2007. Print. Tully, Claus. Growing Up in Technological Worlds: How Modern Technologies Shape the Everyday Lives of Young People. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003. Print. This essay on Is Using Cell Phone Dangerous? was written and submitted by user Cody Parks to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Find Canadian Tax Info Online with CRAs My Account

Find Canadian Tax Info Online with CRAs My Account My Account is a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) service that provides Canadians with secure access to their personal income tax information online. The My Account ​hours of service are 21 hours a day. Tax Information Available on My Account The My Account tax service lets you see information on various topics, including: Your income tax refundIncome tax returns and assessmentsIncome tax account balanceIncome tax installment paymentsSome tax slips: (T4, T4A, T4A(P), T4A(OAS), T4E)Canada Child Tax Benefit and related provincial program payments and balancesUniversal Child Care Benefit payments, balance and statement of accountGoods and Services Tax (GST) credit or Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) credit and related provincial program payments and balancesRegistered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contributions, deductions claimed, and your RRSP contribution limitHome Buyers Plan and Lifelong Learning Plan statement informationTax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) informationWorking Income Tax Benefit advance paymentsDisability tax credit You can also make requests and take other actions on My Account, such as: Change your returnChange personal information such as address, phone number, or marital statusAuthorize a representativeApply for child benefitsArrange direct depositRequest remittance formsSet up a payment planDisagree with your assessmentSubmit documents Logging in to Use the My Account Service When you go to the My Account site, you will be given a choice between logging in with a CRA User ID and password, or logging in with credentials you may already have with a Sign-in Partner, such as those you use for online banking. When you use a Sign-in Partner, none of your personal tax information is shared with your financial institution, and the name of your financial institution, log-in credentials, and banking details are not shared with the CRA. Using a CRA User ID and Password To use a CRA user ID and password, you must first register for the CRA My Account service. Be sure the CRA has your current address before you register. There are several ways to change your address with the CRA. Read the CRA instructions on how to register carefully before registering for My Account. Its a four-step process. Youll need your last two income tax returns, your Social Insurance Number, your date of birth and your  postal code. Be ready to create a user ID and password using CRA checklists, and also be ready to create and answer security questions. Youll also have to wait for at least five business days (15 business days outside Canada and the United States) to receive a CRA security code in the mail. The security code has an expiry date, so be sure to follow the instructions in the letter you receive with the code. The Quick Access Service has been discontinued, but you can now get immediate access to some of your personal tax information using My Account without having to wait for the security access code. Without a security access code, you can: View the general status of your tax return (detailed information about the status of your return requires the security access code)View your RRSP and TFSA limits for the current yearrequest a remittance formView notice of assessment or reassessment Using a Sign-in Partner To use a Sign-in Partner to access the My Account Tax Service, first read the Using a Sign-in Partner FAQ. Then select Sign-in Partner Login on My Account to choose a Sign-in Partner. By choosing a Sign-in Partner you will be agreeing to the terms, conditions, and privacy notice of SecureKey Concierge, which is a credential broker service that acts as a bridge between the Canadian government and participating credential service providers. Computer Requirements for My Account Tax Service Check that your operating system and browser configurations and settings meet the requirements to use My Account. Help With My Account Tax Service If you require help using the My Account service, call the CRA.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Introduction To History Of Technology Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Introduction To History Of Technology - Article Example The initial examples of prosthetics, as well as amputations, were identified in the ancient Egyptian territory. The ancient Egyptians believed that a person who got amputated in life carried on the amputation into afterlife status. Hence, they got buried with the missing prosthetic devices. These prosthetics got uncovered later in the 15th century. The history, however, is more about the Greeks and Romans than it is of Egypt. For instance, it was in the 484 BC, when a Persian soldier escaped the Greek prison through amputating the leg and replaced it with a wooden prosthesis. Medical technology is vivid in this context. It is stipulated that the dark ages were the periods where prosthetic technology, as well as the scientific technology, developed. However, the pace of development was relatively low. In fact, the devices that got developed with respect to the development of this technology were of insuperable sizes. The devices were heavy and large. They got made of wood, leather peg legs, and metal. Therefore, they remain similar to those of the Greek periods. The amputees were essentially used to using the early clutches which got made of wood together with leather. The blacksmiths of the time designed these knight armor devices to resemble a camouflage handicap. Hence, it did not have to look like an everyday functioning limb. In relation to the history of the limb prosthetics, diseases got cured through amputations and use of cannons. This is one of the memorable medical attempts in that particular historical age.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

A new 300 m2 house that must be completed for Mr and Mrs Jones by Assignment

A new 300 m2 house that must be completed for Mr and Mrs Jones by December 25th 2012 - Assignment Example The owners of the house will be contacted on regular basis to confirm the adjustments and modifications done. The Supplementary Planning Document has been developed in accordance with local, regional and national planning policy, and the adoption of this guidance means that sustainable design and construction are material considerations to be given weight in considering development of this project, and can be the subject of planning conditions and/or obligations in respect of appropriate development. Applicants for planning permission will be expected to have considered this planning guidance and in so doing to have focused on the five sustainable design and construction aims defined here to: Mr. and Mrs. Jones have relocated from New York to Alabama following their retirement. They decided to build their new dream house in a lot of land that they had purchased earlier. This brought about to them selecting a team oversee the construction works. I was contracted to write a project plan for the new housing project that will act as a guideline to the whole project since in this project plan I have indicated all the procedures to be undertaken to ensure that the project is successful and it is delivered according to the stipulated time. The house to be constructed is of 300m2 which will be used as their new home, the project plans is to be started as soon as possible so as to meet the 25th December, 2012 deadline and which is the time the project is expected to come to a completion. The construction and the implementation of this project should be done in accordance to the ideas, specification and requirements of the owners which in this case is Mr. and Mrs. Jones. They are to approve every step and phase undertaken in the construction process and by using this project plan as the guideline to ensure strict budgetary arrangements and proper construction procedure is followed. The construction

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

One Malaysia Concept Among Malaysian Media Essay

One Malaysia Concept Among Malaysian Media Essay Malaysia is a renown country that is located in the southern parts of Asia, Malaysia consists of thirteen states and three federal territories which in general forms up a total land mass of 329,847 square kilometers, the country also boost of a population of 28.25 million people this is according to the 2010 census. one unique thing about Malaysia is the separation of the country into two separate regions by the South China Sea but the same country with its capital city base situated at Kuala Lumpur and the base for the federal government situated at Putrajaya this indicating that both the different regions of the country are politically and economically represented to reduce the cases of one part wanting to break from the main country due to lack of political or economical misrepresentation, therefore the two separate regions are known as the Peninsular Malaysian and the Malaysian Borneo in other words they are respectively known as the West and East Malaysia. The country is bordered by other Asian countries that are very influential in the world political and economic fields some of these countries include Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam and Philippines (Kaufman, 2008). The country is currently going through a lot of challenges at the moment this challenges range from matters of governance and nationalism. The divided ideas of the Malaysian nationals is threatening the peace of the country as the Malaysians are saying that there country is invaded with lots of foreigners who have taken the all the major administrative, economical and political roles of the country and are running the country thus leaving out the true Malaysian out of the normal running of there own country this has resulted to animosity of the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s citizens, therefore the media has to perform its duty in order to create a clear relationship between the countries citizens and the foreigners living in the country (Toumi, 2010). Malaysia has one of the most intriguing history as compared any other country in the world, that can be dated back to the to the 16th century when the country was ruled by a king who was in -charged of the entire Malay kingdom but in the 18th century the British conquered the country and they eventually became a British colony, the country later got its unification from the British in the year 1946 this was when the eastern and western regions and other countries like Sabah and Singapore were unified, it later became a federation in 1948 and archived its independence in 9 years later that is in the year 1957 (WTEC Hyper-Librarian, 1997). Its union with Singapore wasnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t a long one this is because Singapore walked out of the union and later became an independent country this was some years after the country got its independent. The country also boasts of being a country that is full of tourist attraction sites, this is because it has traditional and natural resources, that attract tourists who visits the country annually just to se these spectacular natural features the country has, the country also is expanding its horizons by venturing in other productive matters such as commerce, science and medical inventions that provides the country with supplementary income to ensure that the country can easily sustain it population without asking for aids from donors (WTEC Hyper-Librarian, 1997). Roles of the media in bringing an understanding of Malaysia amongst the Malaysians Before undertaking the assignment of identifying the roles that the media plays and its contributions in improving the understanding of the Malaysians in Malaysia we have to first of all define and know what the media is and its roles/ importance amongst us (Kaufman, 2008). In general according to a lay mans understanding the word media refers to various means of communication this implies that the media is a platform that provides different people and individuals with the opportunity to communicate and exchange ideas amongst themselves in efforts aimed at improving there current form of life to a more improved one (Daily Express, 2003). This communication is passed on through various channels that include the Television, Radio, and Newspaper, other forms of media include the internet, brochures, advertisements on billboards amongst other sources of information that tend to appeal or influence an individual to take in a given action into action (Nadchatram, 2007). Therefore media simply is the device that creates a smooth platform for the creation and consumption of messages from one person/ point to the other freely. Roles of the media The media just like any other organ in that has a public influence / contact has an important role in the society that it relates to and in this section I am going to take a look on the important roles that the media play in the society and they include the following. The first role of the media is to educate its audience; this role is actually efficient because the people and the media are closely related to each other and interact frequently (Ahmad, 2005). The media interacts closely with the masses without any interference occurring between them therefore the media will use this time to educated the masses on the recommended issues thus ensuring the people a well informed when they about what is expected of them or how to handle themselves in a given situation (Center For Democracy And Governance, 1999). This interaction will ensure that the public are well trained and educated on the ways they are supposed to handle themselves in a given kind of situation. The other role of the media is to inform its audiences, this is were the media informs its audience / readers and viewers what is going on in there surrounding, the media will use its influence to tell or show there respective audience what they are supposed to be aware of or what is going on in there surroundings, this is slightly different from the previous role of informing the audience as therefore in this case the media will be updating the people on what is going on while educating will be introducing them to new ideas aimed at improving there lives and improve there living conditions (, 2006). Surveillance is another role of the media; this is where the media monitors and provides its audiences, viewers and readers with information pertaining to development of pressing issues. This is exclusively seen when the media monitoring the behaviours activities and any other important information that is involving people involved indulging in inappropriate behaviors that may have negative impacts on the public (, 2006). In surveillance role is where the media will investigate on allegations that are indicted on graft and other illegal cases people, non governmental / governmental organizations are the most monitored by the media thus providing the audience with the ways that the organizations and individuals are affecting the ways in which an individual operates, at the same time the media checks on the ways in which a decease or disaster is affecting individuals and at the same time updating them on the level and of containing the disease or disaster in a community (T oumi, 2010). The other role of the media is correlation, this is where the media will relate what is going on ion one point of the world with what is happening in the other point of the world, this is when the media highlights some of the intriguing matters that are hitting the headlines internationally, this will be in the field of science invention politics, economics, social or abnormal situations (Ahmad, 2005). This will be made clear to the viewers as there will be in a position to know what the other parts are experiencing and implement some of these things in order to improve there living condition (Daily Express, 2003). The media also plays the marketing role this is when the individual or a company will be in position of airing his product in order to sell the product, thus the individual will be in a position to use the media in order to alert and/ or inform the people that there is a new product in the market (Foulger, 2003). This will make the respective customers be in a position to know the products and purchase them a role that is being used by the media houses to sustain themselves as the products they are advertising raise some income for the media organizations. Ways the media can improve relationship in Malaysia In the previous section I have noted the roles of the media and there significance to the people who interact with the media, therefore in this section of paper I am going to see the role that the media plays for a better understanding of the Malaysian idea this is by evaluating on the ways the media can use its powers to ensure that the Malaysians live in togetherness without misunderstanding each other. The media is supposed to provide the Malaysian citizens with the kind of information the will enable that each of the Malaysian individuals will practice the act of acceptance and respect amongst other factors that will ensure that the dermas and wishes of the prime minister Dato Najib Tun Razak are fulfilled this according to his speech that he delivered during the day that he was taking over the office of the leading the nation, he wanted the to see a1-Malaysia (Zainala, 2010). This is when he gave the media the opportunity to be the center stage of realizing that the dream of one Malaysia is experienced. As I had mentioned earlier the media plays an important in any community this is because the communities are in close contact with the community and the majority of the Malaysian population (Nadchatram, 2007). The media can helping the healing process of the country this is because the country is highly affected with cases of ethnicity that are the key reasons that are destroying the close relationship that should be experienced amongst the Malaysian citizens (Ahmad, 2005). In this case the media is supposed to play a great role in uniting the country the is in the verge of disintegrating as a result of the ethnicity in our country Malaysia and I highly believe that the media can come up with a method that can with a peaceful Malaysian society as a result of constant information regarding the importance of a 1Malaysia. I am a well trained journalist and the only tool that I will use to unite my country Malaysia from disintegration in the future and this is through the media, which according to me is the only way that I can save my country from the threat of disintegration as a result of political and ethical differences. The media will have a positive impact if used properly in the Malaysia in order to quell the raising differences that are being experienced in the country, so in order for the media to realize positive impacts on the current existing differences that is currently being experienced in the country is when the media is used to Persuade the public (Zainala, 2010). When the media persuades the public this will ultimately contribute to an improved attitude of the Malaysian a citizens who will listen to the views that are being explained by the media and this will automatically ensure that the citizens of Malaysia change there reasoning and then unite to format country of national unity (Center For Democracy And Governance, 1999). In persuading my audience I will send massages that will basically be preaching for peace and at the same time persuading the Malaysian citizens to top indulging in practices s that marginalizes other Malaysians thus classifying them in different classes yet they come from the same country, the media will manage in unifying them by telling them (Listeners/ audience ) that some practices such as intermarriage are the best for the country this is because the people from different places and cultures will be able to unite and form a family thus strengthening the people living in the country and in the end resulting to the unity of a one Malaysia (Center For Democracy And Governance, 1999). I would use the media to see an ethnic free Malaysia this is when I would use it as an instruments that I have in to ensure that a 1 Malaysian nation is realized, this is when the media houses in the country put a lot of there concentration in highlighting the issues that are related to seeing a 1 Malaysia nations (Daily Express, 2003). This can only be achieved when the media concentrated on reporting on issues that discouraging the uses of some encroached Malaysian cultures that deprive the country the realization of a new nation, this will to some point transform the ideological thinking of the individuals as the media will ensure that it provides the viewers, readers, and listeners with documentaries that will aim at telling them the impotence of unity (Foulger, 2003). This will to some extent reduce the cases of discrimination amongst the Malaysian citizens, in this case the ramparts information that swill be used by the media in discouraging ethnicity in Malaysia will definitely result to the unity of the Malaysia citizens this is because the media will have painted a clear picture to them thus ensuring that they will reform as the media has shown them the importance of the unity of 1 Malaysia thus the citizens will opt to be together and forget about there ethnic background thus ensuring that the country becomes one without any ethnic differences (Nadchatram, 2007). The government should also use or work hand in hand with the media in order for the achievement of the 1 Malaysia, in this case the government should invite the media to provide a critism and monitoring of its daily activities this will especially help the citizens to become more enlightened on the plans and activities of the government, I highly believe that if this is implemented a new Malaysia will be realized (Ahmad, 2005). This is because the Malaysian people will be informed with the media on the daily activities the government and this will bring some trust into the citizens who will feel that the government works hand in hand with them and this will automatically result to one nation that has the same political views that will ensure that the individuals in the country feel connected to the government of the country. The media should also show good images and news to the Malaysian citizens and the international countries, this will to some extent ensure that the people living in Malaysia to value piece in there country this is where the country citizens will see that they need to uphold peace in there country and them will have achieved in quelling there ethnic behaviours therefore making them to resort to be peaceful thus making them peaceful and more unethical (Zainala, 2010). This will be realized when the media indulges in public relations that will contribute to the government and the people that are living in Malaysia with this being implemented the Malaysians will feel more peaceful with each other and in the end they will be able to live freely in the regions without conflicts.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Mark Twains Writings and Race Essay -- Mark Twain Race Racism Realism

Mark Twain's Writings and Race Samuel Langhorne Clemens, whom readers know as Mark Twain, has written many novels including The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in 1876; The Prince and the Pauper in 1882; Puddin’ Head Wilson in 1883; and Twain’s masterpiece The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn which was completed in 1883 (Simpson 103). Throughout Mark Twain’s writings, Twain had written about the lifestyle in the South the way it was in truth and detail. Mark Twain was not predjudice in his writings, instead he stripped away the veneers of class, position, religion, institutions, and the norms of society through his use of setting, language, and characters.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Samuel Langhorne Clemens was born on November 30, 1835 and died on April 21, 1910. He was raised in the South on a Missouri Frontier and when he was only four year of age he moved to Hannibal, a large Southern town on the banks of the Mississippi River (Simpson 104). The Mississippi River is a key element in his two novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Both the characters Tom and Huck are similar to Twain in their spirit of adventure (Unger 193). Throughout his writings Twain wrote about the opression of the rich and poor, the strong and weak, and the proud and humble (Baxter 1). In his autobiography he wrote â€Å"All negroes were friends of ours and those of our own age were inface comrades (Neider 5).† Mark Twain could not find the realistic acceptance of friendships, loyalty, and courage in the adulthood of societies, and because of this he would always use a boyhood view of the world to contrast the adult hypocrac ies. Mark Twain was honest and knew that he could only write from a realistic perspective and could not accept these hypocracies of society (Simpson 25).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mark Twain had paid much attention to detail in his descriptions of the South. In 1876 he had been placed at the head of the best seller lists for his realease of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Unger 199). The time period of the book exists just prior to the civil war, although it was written just after the war (Simpson 3). In this novel the reader is asked to see and judge the ante-bellum world through Huck’s perception of it (Simpson 3). It is written in a first person narrative form told by a boy growing up in the South and therefore we are able to see the life of a young boy directly (S... ...use of setting, language, and characters. Works Cited Baxter, Sylvester. â€Å"Baxter Reviews YankeeYankee.† Boston Sunday Herald. 16 February 2000 . Boyesen, H.H.. â€Å"Cosmopolitan Reviews Puddin’head.† Cosmopolitan. 16 February 2000   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  . Neider, Charles. ed. The Autobiography of Mark Twain. New York: Harper Collins, 1959. Fulton, Joe B. Mark Twain’s Ethical Realism – The Aesthetics of Race, Class, and Gender. Columbia: University of Missouri P, 1997. Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. United Stated of America: Tom Doherty Associates, Inc., 1988. Unger, Leonard. ed. American Writers: A Collection of Literary Biographies. Vol. IV. New York: Charles Scribner’s Son’s, 1974. â€Å"Courant Reviews Huck.† The Hartford Courant. 16 February 2000   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  . â€Å"Idler Reviews Pudd’nhead† Idler. 16 February 2000 .

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Effects of Free Primary Education Essay

The research will investigate the effects of free primary education on learners with diverse needs in the main stream primary schools. (A case of Lilongwe Urban Schools) Identification of a sample of teachers, parents, pupils, schools. Distribution of questionnaires, conduct interviews, and observations. The Data will be conducted from four mainstream primary schools in Lilongwe district. 3. 0. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3. 1. A statement of search method. Many learners with special educational needs experience a number of challenges in the mainstream primary schools in which in some way or the other prevent them from receiving quality education. (Ministry of Education PIF Document on special needs, 2000) At a conference held at Salamanca in Spain 1994, it was declared that learners with special educational needs acquire education in their home schools. (World Declaration on Education For All, 1990). This meant that they were to be included in the mainstream schools and the schools were supposed to accommodate these learners by providing them with specialized resources so that the children acquire quality education. The introduction of free primary education in Malawi in 1994 posed a threat towards the education of learners with special educational needs in their home schools, because much as it increased access to educational opportunities for all Malawians, it brought many challenges towards the education of learners with special educational needs in mainstream schools and to the ordinary learners as well. (Ministry of Education PIF document 2000). One of the challenges emanating from the implementation of free primary education policy towards the education of learners with special educational needs is overcrowding in schools which lead to poor performance due to poor methods of teaching. Statistics indicates that in 1993, there were about 1. 6 million primary school students in Malawi. However, when free primary education was introduced in 1994, the number of students jumped to over three million (World Bank report 2004). This created a lot of problems, overcrowding in classes made teachers not to consider the needs of learners with special educational needs because there was too much work load. Teachers use poor methods of teaching as a result of overcrowding in classes and lack of resources. Teachers are failing to practice the individualized education plan meant for learners with special educational needs due to increased enrollment rates. (Ministry of Education PIF Document). This results in poor performance, high repetition rates for both learners with special educational needs and the ordinary pupils. It is thus of great importance to asses on how poor methods of teaching is a challenge to the education of learners with special educational needs. Some indications suggest that overcrowding in classrooms is pushing out pupils with special educational needs; an issue which the World Bank (2004) recommends that needs further research. Furthermore, due to overcrowding, survival rates for all learners (ordinary and those with special educational needs) have also been affected. The double/triple shifts are also making it hard for schools to plan for remedial programmes for learners with special educational needs and teachers complain of increased pupil teacher ratios. (Ministry of Education, PIF Document, 2004). Thus, it is the interest of the researcher to further assess the effects of overcrowding in classrooms towards the education of learners with special educational needs. The shortage of teaching resources is also another problem that is making the education of learners with special educational needs difficult. The shortages of teaching and learning aids worsened as a result of the implementation of free primary education. The number of pupils per text book was 2. 9 prior to Free Primary Education, declining to 7. 1 in 1994/5. Even more worrying is the fact that repetition rates are over 20%. (Riddel R. , 2003) What should be noted is that, learners with special educational needs require specialized resources for them to receive quality education. This is expensive and need expertise to use specialized materials. In this case, if the government is failing to provide learning materials for ordinary learners, what more to the provision of teaching and learning materials to learners with special educational needs. The shortage of teachers and recruitment of unqualified and untrained teachers who did not have any knowledge on special needs education was also another recipe for disaster because the needs of learners with special educational needs were not given a priority. (Ministry of Education PIF document 2000). Thus, it is reported by 1997, more than half the teachers were untrained, compared with 13% before the introduction of Free Primary Education. The World Bank Report on effects of free primary education (2004) states that this left learners with special educational needs to struggle to meet the needs of the school and not the schools meeting the needs of learners with special educational needs. As such it is to the interest of the researcher to assess on how this has led to low academic achievement to both learners with special educational needs and ordinary learners. Poor infrastructure is also another area of concern, according to an article by Ligomeka. B. (2000), it is stated that the ambitious plan by the Malawi government to boost its education levels by offering free primary education backfired, largely because of the terrible poor conditions of the country’s primary schools. Ligomeka adds to say that conditions at schools remain terrible; there has been a shortage of classrooms for the pupils, resource centers, teacher’s houses, and toilets for over a decade. The inaccessible physical environment makes it difficult for children with disabilities to survive. ( e. g. poor hygiene in toilets) Additionally, many of the preliminary surveys seem to show that the existing facilities make a mockery of the free education program. As a result, the situation of the teaching force in most of the districts is generally bad. On quality issues, the World Bank Report (2004) states that, the free primary education has produced unintended and unforeseen negative consequences. The reforms that Malawi has come up with have produced some consequences including quality issues which are of concern in Malawi. Whilst the enrolment expansion has been remarkable, the quality of education – and many would say, even the ‘value’ of education – has deteriorated. The question might be; if ordinary pupils are complaining of quality issues, what about the quality of education being offered to learners with special needs? This puts in question for the quality of education being delivered and if the needs of learners with special needs are being met. It is for this reason that the researcher would want to assess the quality of education being offered to learners with special educational needs in the mainstream primary schools with regards to the challenges emanating from the implementation of free primary education. Kadzamira and Rose (as cited at http//www. Introduction of free primary education in sub-Saharan Africa) point to the continued lack of access of some sub-groups (street children, out-of-school youth, those with special needs, orphans. ) who still face problems to meet some of their needs ( such as learning materials, food, accommodation, wheelchairs, hearing aids, and clothes) despite the education being free. As such, this has resulted in a lot of absenteeism, poor performance, a very high repetition rate and dropouts for learners with special educational needs, street children and orphans, because despite the education being free, they still have to meet other expenses such as stationary, uniforms, food, wheel chairs, and other specialized materials. (Ministry of Education PIF document 2000). The researcher therefore, would like to investigate if the needs of the above mentioned subgroups are taken into consideration by the schools. Through the reports, articles and journals, it has been discovered that the effects of free primary education worsened the problems learners with special educational needs were facing in mainstream primary schools. These problems do not only affect learners with special needs but also those without, and this has made/created a lot of learners to fall under special educational needs because their needs are not being met by the education system. In conclusion, there is evidence that free primary education brought challenges towards the education of learners with special educational needs, as such, it will be necessary to find out the extent to which the challenges are making the education of learners with special needs difficult in the mainstream primary schools, so that the feedback can be used to correct deficiencies in the schools. This research will be beneficial to teachers, schools even the researcher herself to diagnose barriers to inclusion hence coming up with strategies to reduce or eradicate the barriers. Definition of Key terms. Mainstream refers to the integration of learners with special educational needs in general education settings (Heward, 2000) Special educational needs refer to learners who require specialized instruction and different levels of support if they are to realize their full human potential, or to facilitate their academic, social, and emotional development. It also includes those coming from poor socio-economic backgrounds. (Heward 2000) Inclusion is the process of accommodating learners with special needs in the general education settings, with support services provided by the school. (Index for inclusion, 2002) Sub-questions What challenges do learners with special educational need face in the mainstream primary schools as a result of free primary education in Malawi? How do the challenges affect education provisions for learners with special educational needs? What support services are provided by parents towards the education of learners with special educational needs? 3. 2. RESEARCH METHODS The research shall be conducted using the survey strategy. 3. 3. Survey Studies Survey studies as pointed out by Cohen (2003) Is another way to get unique material. It is regarded as one of the best tool for collection of data by many scholars. Cohen added that surveys take one or two forms, questionnaires or interviews. During a survey, a researcher can ask people questions in person or draw a written questionnaire, but in either case, it is advised that questions must be phrased carefully so that people can respond easily and clearly. A Gay L. R. etal (2009) state that surveys requires the collection of standardized, quantifiable information from all members of a population or of a sample. It is from the above understanding that the researcher has seen it necessary to use this design, in the collection of data to examine on how the introduction of free primary education has affected the education of learners with special educational needs in terms of human resource, teaching and learning materials, and the quality of education being provided. 3. 4. SOURCES OF EVIDENCE The following instruments will be used for data collection: Questionnaires, interviews, and observations. 3. 4. 1Questionnaire. A questionnaire is a written collection of survey questions to be answered by a selected group of research participants. (Gay L. R. etal). And it is a widely used and useful instrument for collecting survey information. However, Bell (1993) warns that one needs to ensure that the questionnaire is well designed in order to give the researcher the information needed, acceptable to subjects and that will not give problems at the analysis and interpretation stage. The questionnaire will contain both open ended questions and closed questions. Among the advantages of a questionnaire is that it is cheap compared to interviews, and can be used to collect data from a large sample without the researchers presence, and one of the disadvantages is that respondents can delay information and could be difficult to make follow ups. (Cohen, 2003). To minimize errors, the researcher will make sure that questionnaires be taken for supervision before distribution to ensure that they are clear. The researcher shall follow guidelines for writing effective questions, such as avoiding complex questions, avoid irritating questions or instructions, just to mention a few. Cohen (2003). And in this study, a sample of ten teachers and Primary School Education Advisor (PEA) will be given questionnaires. See appendix,( item number 2 a,2b). 3. 4. 2Focused Interviews Interviews are an oral, in person question and answer session between a researcher and an individual respondent. (Gay L. R. etal 2009) Here, the researcher will use focused interviews. Ary D. etal (2002), describes focused interviews as those where the researcher ask questions designed to draw out subjects’ responses on a topic of interest. Subjects are free to answer in their own words rather than having to choose from pre-determined, open ended format, this permits greater flexibility and responsiveness to emerging issues for the participants. Among the advantages of interviews as pointed out by Donald etal (2002) is that, a researcher gets instant feedback, participants are able to ask for clarity, and the researcher probes participants where ever necessary. Donald adds to say that interviews enable an interviewer to get information concerning opinions, beliefs, attitudes and feelings in relation to certain questions. Hence making a researcher acquire rich information from respondents which will make the research to be standard. Nevertheless, the disadvantage of interviews is that it could be time consuming to both the researcher and the participant; it is expensive in terms of travel costs and materials, besides it is also difficult for individuals to articulate their feelings in a one to one interview. As such focused interviews will be conducted with head teachers, experienced teachers (those with over 16 years experience), parents, ordinary learners, and learners with special educational needs. The researcher shall prepare a list of standardized questions ahead of time and shall be taken for supervision to minimize errors. Furthermore, the researcher will make herself available at a time that is convenient for the respondents. The researcher shall begin by sending a letter of Identification, requesting an interview with the Primary School Education Advisor (PEA), head teachers, teachers, parents and pupils and specify the sort of information needed. See appendix ( item no. 1. a,1. b, 1. c, 1. d) 3. 4. 3Observations. Cohen (2003), states that observation data are attractive as they afford the researcher the opportunity to gather â€Å"live† data from â€Å"live† situation. The researcher will observe, teaching methods, attitude of teachers and peers, classroom organization, and availability of resources. Cohen continues to say that observation makes data to be reliable and generalization can be made. Stringer (2004) also points out that observations principle purpose is to familiarize researchers with the context in which issues and events are played out, however, Gay R.L. (2009) warns that researchers that when obtaining observations there should be objectives, unbiased and accurate in the sense that the observer has avoided influencing the behavior of respondents. The disadvantage of observation according to Alkins Encyclopedia of Education Research (1992) is that it more naturalistic and researchers are not constrained by what is in a checklist or rating scale. If an observation is well planned and carried out, it can give both qualitative and quantitative data. Observation has limitations on bias to an extent that the individual perceptions and interpretations of the observer, influenced by previous experience, affect the recording of the behavior, (ibid p. 271). However, the researcher will be aware of this problem so that learners with special educational needs be observed thoroughly in order to detect their difficulties which they face in mainstream primary schools. Observations shall be carried out in all the primary schools. See appendix (item no. 3). 3. 5. Population Sample This involves identification of a sample of schools, teachers, parents, and pupils, from the schools. Three mainstream primary schools in Lilongwe urban will be selected for the collection of data. Schools will be selected based on their experience in the education of learners with special educational needs. Teachers shall be selected according experience (those with more than 16 years experience prior to the introduction of free primary education). Pupils will be selected based on their age and class. (Will start from standard 3 up to 8 and within the age range of 9-15) the Primary School Education Advisor will also be contacted to answer a few questions and parents will be selected based on proximity (those living around the school and available). A total of six Learners with special educational needs and six ordinary learners will be interviewed from each school, will al so be interviewed, a total of eight teachers will be given questionnaires and two teachers will be interviewed, all the head teachers will be interviewed, and Observations by the researcher will also be carried out in all schools. The reason behind this sample is: To find out teacher perceptions on how free primary education has undermined the quality of education being offered to learners with special educational needs. To know how involved parents are in the education of their children. To find out from learners on the challenges they face in the classroom and how this is affecting their academic achievement. To find out from Primary school Education Advisor if the government is aware of such problems and necessary measures are taken to minimize the effects. 4. 5DATA ANALYSIS Data analysis is one of the things the prepared researcher needs to consider. It involves filing and organizing data collected (Cohen 2003). Gay etal (2009) add to say that the planning of data analysis will need to consider the organization, accounting for and explaining the data; It indicates what needs to be done with the data when they have been collected and how will the data be processed and analyzed, additionally, it shows how the results of the analysis will be verified, cross-checked and validated. (Bell 1993). In analyzing data, the researcher will re- write notes as soon as possible after making a set of observation. Full notes shall be typed and two copies of the notes shall be produced so that the other copy should act as a backup. The files shall be created in chronological order of events including notations of the dates and times they were made. Ultimately, observations shall be analyzed and interpreted to find the underlying meaning in the things observed. And the organization and filing of notes is the first step in discovering that meaning. (Donald A, etal 2002) All the results from different participants shall be analyzed and interpreted cordially, and data will be presented in the form of tables, type written text and charts. 3. 6Reliability and Validity According Kubiszyn T. etal (1996), reliability refers to an extent where similar results are obtained from different samples and after using different methods of data collection. Cohen (2003), states that validity is an important key to effective research, because if a piece of research is invalid then it is worthless. He further points out that that validity of research results refers to the extent where the research measures what it was intended to measure. The extent of triangulation is also another form of validity. To ensure reliability, the researcher, will use different tools of data collection, use standardized questions in both questionnaires and interviews and will make sure that the questions should be in line with the research question to ensure validity. 3. 7 LIMITATIONS Ethical issues, travel cost and time will be taken as some of the barriers to this study, nevertheless, ways will be found to deal with these problems. To overcome the problem of travel costs, the researcher started saving money meant for this purpose, where there will be a shortage, it will be required to ask for funds from guardians. To deal with ethical issues, the researcher will try by all means to be careful in the use of language so as not to harm participants psychologically because this might affect the outcome. The researcher will also take the interview and questionnaire questions for supervision to make sure that language used does not offend the participants. In the case of time, where the researcher will be on a short holiday and at the same time collecting data, appointments for interviews, observations and distribution of questionnaires. The researcher shall make herself available at a time convenient to the participants. Prompts/follow up shall be made in the case of questionnaires so that all the data should be ready before the holiday ends. To avoid doubts from participants, a letter of identification shall be obtained from the Special Needs Department of the Catholic University of Malawi. People will be assured of privacy and the research shall seek parental/teacher consent before interviewing learners below the age of fifteen. REFERENCE Ary Donald. Lucy Cheser Jacobs. Asghar Razaviah. (2002), Introduction to Research in Education, Thomson Learning, Belmet. Bell J (1993), Doing your Research Project. A guide for first research in Education and social science. Suffolk, st Edmunds bury press. Cohen L. etal (2003). Research Methods in Education. Prentice-hall Inc, New York. EFA Global Monitoring Report @ http:// www. EFA report @ unesco. org. Gay L. R. , Geoffrey E. Mills, Peter Airasian. (2009), Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Applications. Pearson Education, Inc; New Jersey. Heward W. L. (2000). Exceptional Children: an introduction to special education. Prentice-hall, New York. (http://www. aft. org/research/rel-site. htm) (http: //www. World Bank report on effects of free primary education. org. ) Riddell R. (2003) The introduction of Free Primary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa Report. Ministry of Education (PIF document on Special Needs Education in Malawi, 2000) IRINA MANJOMO CALENDAR FOR DESSERTATION MONTH & YEAR DATE ACTIVITY JUNE-2010 15-20 25-30 Writing letters to institutions where data will be corrected. Distribution of questionnaires for data collection and making appointments for interviews JULY -2010 Data collection, Data analysis and data entry. AUGUST- 2010 1-17 Data analysis and entry. 18-23 Editing analysed data, & submission. 24-25 Meeting the supervisor 25-31 Literature Review SEPTEMBER-2010 3-13 Writing of chapter two (Lit. Review) begins & ends 14-15 Meeting the supervisor 16-19 corrections 22-29 Writing of chapter III & submission 29-30 Meeting the supervisor OCTOBER-2010 1-4 Corrections 7-14 Writing chapter IV & submission 15 Meeting the supervisor 15-17 Corrections 19-25 Writing Chapter V and VI & submission 26-27 Meeting the supervisor 28-30 Corrections NOVEMBER-2010 2-9 Writing Ch. 1 & submission 11-14 Meeting supervisor & corrections 16-21 22-23 Writing first Draft of Dissertation submission & corrections DECEMBER-2010 24-30 1-3 Writing 2nd Draft of Dissertation submission 5-7 Meeting supervisor JANUARY-2011 Making Corrections on the Dissertation draft FEBRUARY-2011 13-18 Defending the Dissertation 21-23 Making corrections & submission MARCH-2011 1-3 Meeting the supervisor 3-20 Making final corrections on the Dissertation Draft. APRIL- 2011 Writing the final copy of the Dissertation begins and ends. MAY-2011 16-23 submission to the supervisor